How do I add labels to a file in Google Drive?
As we know, Labels are considered as the best and easiest way used to organize our files & folders in every system. Even Gmail users use labels extensively for categorization of the email threads that help in organizing emails in our mailbox.
What about if we want to organize our files in Google Drive by using labels, Can we do this? Yes, of course, the Metadata Studio app provides this feature to the Drive users within the Drive user interface.
Users can easily add new labels or remove already added labels using Metadata Studio for Drive.
Let's start step by step, How to add labels to the files in Google Drive?
In this article, you will only see how to add/remove labels in the Drive files. If you need to add custom metadata fields to the Drive files, please read the article How to add custom metadata in the Google Drive files.
If you have not installed Metadata Studio, please click the below button to install the app from the market place.
- Launch Metadata Studio in Drive
Once you have installed the app, please reload the Google Drive webpage and you would see the Metadata Studio icon is shown in the right side bar of the Google Drive as showing in the screenshot.
Click on the Metadata Studio icon shown in the right side bar to launch Add-on.
2. Select a File to add labels
Select a file or a folder to which you want to add labels.
On the right pane, Add-on would display the labels & metadata fields associated with the selected file. If you have not added any label to this file, It will show "No labels added, please click on "Labels" to add a label."
To add labels to this file, click "Labels".
3. Add Labels to file
In the label screen, enter the label title and click the "Add New Label" button.
In the screenshot, we are adding a label named "Designs".
You can also add from the previously added labels using the "Add from my labels" dropdown.
4. Added labels are displayed
Now, All labels associated with the selected file are presented on the Labels screen.
In the screenshot you can see, we have added two labels named "Designs" & "Architecture".
You can remove the added labels from the file by clicking on the "-" icon right to each label.
5. Back to File's Metadata screen
Now, click on the "Go Back (Show File Metadata)" button. You would see the updated metadata that includes recently added labels. And also this activity would be displayed in the Recent Activity section.